Spider-man2 sence 17-18 from DVD
(peter went to see the doctor)
Doctor:YOu seem very okey to me .my diagnosis?It's up here.you say you can't sleep ,heartbreak,Bad dreams.
peter:There is one dream ,where in my dream.I'm spider-man,but I'm losing my powers.I'm climbing the wall but keep falling. Doctor:Oh so you are spider-man?
peter:In my dream, Actually.It's not even my dream,It's my friend of mine's dream.
Doctor:Oh,somebody else's dream.ho .What about this friend? why does he climb these walls.What does he think of himself.
peter:That's the problom,he doesn't know what to think.
Doctor:Gotta make you mad not to know what you are.your soul disappears. Nothing is bad as uncertainty.Listen...maybe you are not supposed to be spider-man climbing those walls.That's why you keep falling.you always have a choise.peter
peter:I have a choise... (Peter is thinking on bed,there is a sound in his mind)
Ben:Peter,All of things you've been think about peter,make me sad.
peter:Can't you understand? I'm in love with Marry June.
Ben:Peter,All the times we'd talked of hoesty,fairness,justice.Out of times I counted on you to have the courage to take those dreams out into the world.
peter:I can't live in your dream anymore.I want a life of my own.
Ben:You've given a gift peter,with great power,comes great responsibility .
Peter:no Uncle Ben I'm just Peter parker. I'm spider-man
no more.no more.